Service & Pricing

English Optixx will review, correct and optimise your draft text at sentence level, and will embed these suggested changes directly into your marked-up original document.  Alternatively, we will provide them in a separate document in editable format with appropriate cross references, allowing you to easily link the suggested changes to the corresponding sections of your draft text.  Changes will be colour-coded to reflect a “Necessary Correction”, a “Recommended Change” or an “Alternative Suggestion”.  We also provide explanations or helpful suggestions where appropriate.  Please refer to here for more detail.

Your text returned to you, with suggested changes and comments, will represent the complete Optimised Native English text including appropriate punctuation.  If we add comments, these will also be cross-referenced to the corresponding sections of your draft text.  All other features of the draft text you submitted, such as formatting and images, will not necessarily be included or incorporated.  You should review  the suggested changes to ensure you are satisfied with the resulting optimised text.

If you have any questions or uncertainties either before or after placing an order, or about your fulfilled order, you are welcome to contact our Order Support at

Our standard pricing is €0,07 (seven euro cents) per word in increments of 100 words.  For orders with 600 or more words, a discounted price applies: €0,05 (five euro cents) per word in increments of 100 words.  There are no other charges.
The following surcharges apply for draft text documents submitted in non-editable formats (max. 400 words):
– Price per word: 100% surcharge
– Price on attachments: €2 per page submitted in attachments


    Number of Words

    Number of Pages

    Total: €

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